HFN operated as Principle Contractor for the external hardscape works within this project.
A major refurbishment to the flats themselves was undertaken by others.
Project Value: £500,000.
- Hard works elements comprised surfacing works, car parks with white lining, street furniture works and hard landscaping.
- Streetworks operations of ducting and excavation by HFN prepared the site for sub contractors installation of the street lighting and CCTV packages.
- Ornamental fencing, fabricated by HFN in-house, contoured the grass swards creating fluid lines and softening the approach to buildings
- Softworks of additional tree planting to mounded areas sculpted garden parts. Secondary shrub planting softened building edges within fenced areas.
Majority of works undertaken by HFN's own skilled workforce, including gas points, earthing rods, fire hydrants, drainage and bollards, in co-ordination with lighting and CCTV companies, controlled and monitored by HFN delivered the project to budget and within timescales.